
my precious babies - little fur shedding maniacs

So, I'm still really bummed that I don't have a camera, especially now that I'm interning for a photographer and am editing her photos for her... makes me miss shooting my own photos really badly. :(

So, I grabbed Scott's camera (which I lovingly named 'baby camera') and started to play around with the manual settings on it... turns out... it can actually take an ok picture (with some help from photoshop). These are some of my 'practice' shots... not all that exciting, but they're all natural lighting indoors... which was always been a bit of a scary experience for me since I prefer outdoor sufficient light.

but here they are for you to enjoy (and let me know what you think):


He's so cute. The most bratty, sneaky and biggest trouble maker of the bunch. He will go into the kitchen or to the vanity area of our bedroom and use his paw to try and open the drawers... you can imagine the annoying sound of the drawers banging when he doesn't open them on the first try... little punk! lol. I know I should be mad, but it makes me laugh.


He's constantly sleeping... and SO comfortably... this kid is rediculous!! he's always curled up like it's the most comfortable spot in the house... and lately, he's become quite vocal when his precious sleep is disturbed... he just cries and cries like you're torturing him! so funny! at the sight either of us fixing the blankets, he'll come running like it's for him. and he'll leave the other empty couch and the rest of the one you're sitting on and come and lean up against where you're stitting. so silly. :)

Kahlua was a little too skiddish to capture. maybe next time... :D

This one's for you Ragi:

Last month I volunteered at a small animal shelter (cause I was bored and needed to get out of the house) and there were some ah-dor-a-ble little kitties there... (these are cell phone pics, so not that great) it's like a big ball of fur - can't tell which body is who's.

This little guy is a giant schnauzer & yellow lab mix... SO cute. He had 1 brother and 2 sisters... one boy and one guy looked more like a giant schnauzer, and this one and his other sister looked more like the labs... so cute and cuddly! :D

Look at his little ear in the water dish! lol.

I can't wait to get a puppy!!!


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