

**Disclaimer: These photos (and most of the others on this blog so far) were taken with Scott's puny little point and shoot camera (sorry, hon). It's pretty crappy at 5mp, but it gets the job done for these everyday photos... not very proud of them - so for the time being, until I save enough to get my camera, please pretend that I'm not a professional photographer. :D

So I was browsing Craig's List's free section and found this ad for free cut bamboo poles...

The ad said you can help keep them out of the landfills and use them for arts and crafts or yard stakes... I thought, I'm sure they're like a couple of feet long, and there's only a hand full of them. I wasn't even sure if they would still be available since the ad had been up for a couple of days already and they were out on the curb, but I thought, why not check anyway.

Here's what I found:

It's hard to tell from the photos, but these Poles were between 9 and 14 feet long!! We had to pull some branches off of them and clean them up. We weren't armed with any garden sheers or knives, so poor Scott got a big blister on his finger and I got bug bites. We had to have them stick out of the car about 4 feet out, and even had to break a bunch of them to fit! We kept praying that we wouldn't get pulled over! Luckily we were only 20 min away from our house.

They're about 3" wide in diameter and some were brown and dried up, some were still green. As you can tell, there were quite a few... probably 30 poles or so. I'm excited to see what we're going to do with them. The possibilities are endless... :D


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