
Not feeling too well

So, I guess when I got hurt on the 4th of July, it was a little more than I thought.

I thought I was getting a little better, but the last couple of days I've been hurting a little more and have a little tingling/numbness in my arms, and some swelling in my wrists... :(

It was getting a little too uncomfortable, so I found a chiropractor, made an apt. and went in this morning. Unfortunately, all he was able to do today was take the routine xrays, and wait for them to come back.

I have a follow up apt. on Monday. I'll let everyone know how it goes.

I appreciate your prayers.


Anonymous said...

Hey Bassma!

My uncle is a chiropractor - and that is totally normal for them not to adjust you on your first visit.

In fact - you likely have a great doctor you are going to if he is following protocol. :-)

Hope you feel better! I read your blog whenever I see you writing it!

:-) I have a little RSS feed in my mailbox so i can keep up with you and Scott!

Glad to see you are enjoying life out on the east coast! :-)


Bassma said...

Hey Kristin,

Thanks for the response and for checking the blog.

I know the Chiro is doing everything he can, I was just in pain and was wishing he could've done something about it that day... but I'm feeling a little better, and I'll get to see him tomorrow.

How is everything going with you and Danny? how's work? and the t-shirts?

Keep us updated. We miss you guys. :D

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